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Hong Kong Electronics Symposium (HKES) 2021 : Heading Towards Smart City Blueprint 2.0

Date, time & venue

2021-04-19;9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m;Virtual Symposium

Hong Kong Electronics Symposium (HKES) 2021 – Virtual Symposium

Theme : Heading Towards Smart City Blueprint 2.0

Date : 19 April 2021

Registration Fee : Free

Registration online : Link

Program Pamphlet : Link

First come First served

The aim of the HKES2021 is to promote the benefits of smart city development and how electronics engineering enable our city to head towards the vision laid down in the newly published Smart City Blueprint 2.0. Presentations and panel discussion will cover the views of speakers on the drive required to accomplish the initiatives in the Blueprint 2.0. We also aim to uplift the awareness and knowledge of various enabling technologies of the Hong Kong people and nurture engineers and students to effectively use and apply innovative technologies to improve the quality of life.

For further details, please contact:                                                                                             

Event Secretariat

HKES 2021

c/o Jeta HK Co., Ltd   

Mobile: (852) 9233 6230/Tel  (852) 2376 2708








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